Lemon & Coconut SliceI know that this flavour combination is not new to the world of desserts and sweet treats by it truly is one of my all time favourites! There is something so satisfying about biting into one of these bad boys with its zesty hit of lemon, followed by a rich coconut flavour that lingers in your mouth. So as the weather is slowly getting a bit warmer and the lemons are practically falling off our trees, whip up a batch of this Lemon and Coconut slice and share it with your friends and family. It is so simple and easy to make and a great alternative to the rich and sugary slices that so many of us are tempted by when we go to parties and gatherings with friends. But hey, I won’t judge you if you want to keep it all to yourself ;) Just cut it into portion sized squares and store in the freezer. You can take out an individual slice each time you are craving something sweet but don’t want to reach for the processed cookies or chocolate. IngredientsBase
InstructionsBase Topping Make sure you remove the slice from the freezer about 20-30 mins prior to serving.