Why We Say NO To GM Food
We get a few comments, emails and queries from you guys as to our stance on GM food stuff and if we are a GM free company. Todays’s blog post is here to clear up a few things regarding GM and why we say NO to GM!
From the very beginning our vision has been to provide simple, wholesome, uncomplicated food for people to enjoy.
Food which has been grown naturally without the use of chemicals and fertilisers and in a sustainable way which nourishes all of us – not only the people who buy our food, but the farmers who grow it, and the land upon which it has been grown.
When we first became aware of the introduction of GM products into our food we were cautious in our approach to this new technology. GM foods raise a whole lot of questions and concerns for us as consumers and producers.
Some of these are:
- Are GM foods safe and are they good for us?
- We feel that GM foods are being introduced into our food chain and market without sufficient and adequate testing
- The lack of regulation and labelling of GM foods – we feel everyone has the right to know what is in their foods and to be able to choose accordingly
- The environmental impact on our soils and waterways – many GM crops are grown with the use of fertilisers and pesticides
- The impact on the biodiversity of our seed banks and ecosystems
- The fact that some GM seeds and all new plant varieties are subject to patents and plant breeder rights and are owned by corporations
There has also been a lot of research that has been conducted since the introduction of GM foods which supports the argument for caution in using these foods because of potential risks for consumers as well as the impact the production of these foods are having on our environment.
It is for these reasons that we at Pureharvest are rigorous in adhering to our policy of NO GM products in any of our foods. This involves audited tracing and documentation of all our food sources to ensure to the best of our ability that they do not contain any traces of genetically modified organisms.
Our passion and mission is to provide you with natural, healthy and simple products that add to your diet and lifestyle. We support organic farming practices and believe in doing our part in nurturing the natural biodiversity of our planet.
If you would like to learn more about the issues surrounding GMO and the risks associated with their use we have 25 copies of the book
Genetic Roulette by Jeffery Smith to give away.