Reducing Household Food Waste
More nature from less waste. Part of our mission at PureHarvest is to minimise any negative impact on the environment and reduce waste. This applies to both organic and in organic waste. In this blog post we wanted to share our favourite simple and effective ways to reduce household food waste.
Get yourself a nice looking compost caddy / bin
Having something that looks nice and can be proudly displayed in the kitchen will be a wonderful reminder for you to stay on top of your composting. Composting doesn’t have to be scary and difficult. Instead of throwing food scraps in the general waste, simply through them into your fancy new compost bin instead.
Educate yourself
Education is the best motivation. Do a little googling and read a few blog posts on composting, you might find some handy tips like learning how to avoid things like smelly composts. Also, most local councils should have information and guidance on how to best compost in your area.

Reduce your waste before it reaches the bin
At the beginning composting and reducing waste can be quite intimidating, especially when we are faced with just how much waste one household can produce. We can help ourselves overcome this by getting organised. A fantastic way to reduce the amount of food waste you have to begin with is by writing up a weekly meal plan. Take a small amount of time on the weekend to write down all the meals you plan to make throughout the week. Then when you go shopping you’ll be able to buy the food you need and hopefully not waste as much. This should help save money and also reduce food waste.

Shop for fresh produce at local farmers markets
So often the fruit and vegetables at supermarkets are “disappointing”. They’re old, lack flavour and just look a bit sad. This can be a result of many things, but more often than not it is because the fruit and vegetables are not fresh. Supermarkets generally store fresh produce in cold storage for some time before it hits the shelves. By switching up where you shop and purchasing your fresh produce from local farmers markets, you will be rewarded with fresher, tastier and often cheaper fruit an veg. You’ll have better tasting produce which you’ll actually want to eat and also it should last that little bit longer in your fridge too, again helping you to reduce waste.